2005年5月16日 星期一

Stand By Me ~~OASIS


於是不斷地大唱Stand By Me

只是為了要把熱情往外流奔 沒有阻擋的餘地

純屬回味的至情至性 在這個社會環境裡頭 一群人只把他當作放屁


最需要的東西 卻成為最恐懼的總和

是這樣嗎 我總反問自己


Liam 的 tone 很難成為一個指標 好高 唱得很累

不會唱歌的大叔 畢竟屈服在G調底下

於是開始說了點故事 Stand by me , nobody knows.

還是痛快的刷弦吧 有些事 唱唱歌 刷刷弦就過去了

不曾忘記當初買吉他的理由 是為了變成一個傻氣的孩子

一個至情至性 傻氣堅持執著的孩子

錯誤 與 非錯誤

長大後想變成個孩子 看來很不簡單


只是個孩子 想起小時候的厭倦擁抱





作為一個人文工作者 嚮往山與海洋 在這樣的追尋裡頭


於是我站在這裡 苦苦思索 混亂的思緒

Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday

I've got a lot of things to learn

Said I would and I believe in one day

Before my heart starts to burn.

So what's the matter with you?

Sing me something new ... Don't you know

The cold and wind and rain don't know

They only seem to come and go, away

Times are hard when things have got no meaning

I've found a key upon the floor

Maybe you and I will not believe in the things we find behind the door

Stand By Me -- Nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand By Me -- Nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand By Me -- Nobody knows the way it's gonna be

If you're leaving will you take me with you

I'm tired of talking on my phone

But there is one thing I can never give you

My heart will never be your home
